Wednesday, 17 November 2010

HHARP – Historic Hospital Admission Records Project - Children as patients

A useful database of 19th century children’s hospital records providing an insight into Victorian and Edwardian healthcare. This free site (after registration) gives access to almost 120,000 individual admission records between 1852 and 1914. Detailed history of the hospitals with many images and allowing you to locate patients by a name search.

In many instances you can view and download the original handwritten admission case notes which can result in a number of pages providing so much information to family historians.

I found an ancestor admitted on the 22nd March 1871 to Great Ormond Street Hospital when she was aged just 5 years old. I managed to download and print three pages of informative hand written notes.

The hospitals included so far are three London Hospitals:

The Hospital for Sick Children at Great Ormond Street
The Evelina Hospital
The Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease


The Royal Glasgow Sick Children’s Hospital

The Glasgow hospital records cover the period from 1883 when the hospital was opened until 1903 and gives information on the health of Glasgow’s poor children.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - great resource. Thanks for this. Should be very useful for genealogists. I hope they will be including more hospitals soon.

    Tracing Ancestors in the UK
